With the popularizao of the Internet, blogs had started to be part of the life of the people. Many blogs focam in thematic a specific one and obtain much success with this. Currently Martial hundreds of blogs on Fights and Arts in the net that, are full of information and important notice for who exist if it interests for the subject. One of blogs that they approach the world of the martial arts of deep form is the Art Martial Today (). Claude Budnikar, professor and black band of Aikido, analyze films, say on self-defense and others prticascomo Sipalkido, Karate eTaekwondo. Of simple and direct form, Claude obtains to clarify many questions on the subject.
The Aikid is a fight of Japanese origin still little known in Brazil. This martial art is used many times to help in the balance and the concentration. Who likes it sport, can use to advantage blog Aikid Brazil () to be a little more informed on the subject. Already who does not know, can confer the calendar of the association to go deep itself the sport better. Focado in one fight that conquest every year hundreds of new adepts, the Sport Blog Jud () approaches the world of the fights of the olmpico sport Jud.
In this blog is possible to find videos and images on the sport, that normally come folloied of excellent commentaries and notice. In Brazil, one of the more popular martial arts he is karat, since ensinado even though in infantile schools. Blog Karat-Do () speaks specifically on this art. Speaking on the principles of karat, the space detaches situations, masters, films and books on this art of the east. Although good part of the fights and known martial arts are of eastern origin, exist a fight of African origin with Brazilian influence that makes much success this way. The Capoeira is an art compound, dances and fights e, brings excellent benefits for its players. The Capoeira Universe () is one blog that it says on the African and capoeirista culture through videos and musics. Exactly who does not practise capoeira goes to finish if interesting for blog. If you also one is interested for subjects as martial arts, fights or sport, because not to create one blog? This service is gratuitous and it does not need you are welcome beyond one I register in cadastre simple. Of this form you will obtain to keep contact with who also you like it subject and if to amuse!
The Aikid is a fight of Japanese origin still little known in Brazil. This martial art is used many times to help in the balance and the concentration. Who likes it sport, can use to advantage blog Aikid Brazil () to be a little more informed on the subject. Already who does not know, can confer the calendar of the association to go deep itself the sport better. Focado in one fight that conquest every year hundreds of new adepts, the Sport Blog Jud () approaches the world of the fights of the olmpico sport Jud.
In this blog is possible to find videos and images on the sport, that normally come folloied of excellent commentaries and notice. In Brazil, one of the more popular martial arts he is karat, since ensinado even though in infantile schools. Blog Karat-Do () speaks specifically on this art. Speaking on the principles of karat, the space detaches situations, masters, films and books on this art of the east. Although good part of the fights and known martial arts are of eastern origin, exist a fight of African origin with Brazilian influence that makes much success this way. The Capoeira is an art compound, dances and fights e, brings excellent benefits for its players. The Capoeira Universe () is one blog that it says on the African and capoeirista culture through videos and musics. Exactly who does not practise capoeira goes to finish if interesting for blog. If you also one is interested for subjects as martial arts, fights or sport, because not to create one blog? This service is gratuitous and it does not need you are welcome beyond one I register in cadastre simple. Of this form you will obtain to keep contact with who also you like it subject and if to amuse!