The Decree n 5,626/05, that it regulates the Law n 10,436/2002, aiming at to the access to the school of the deaf pupils, makes use on the inclusion of the Pounds as it disciplines curricular, the formation and the certification of professor, instructor and translator/interpreter of Pounds, the education of the Portuguese Language as second language for deaf pupils and the organization of the bilingual education in I teach regular. In 2005, with the implantation of the Nuclei of Activities of High Abilities/Superdotao NAAH/S in all the states and the Federal District, are organized centers of reference in the area of the high abilities/superendowment for the specialized educational attendance, the orientation to the families and the continued formation of the professors, constituting the organization of the politics of inclusive education of form to guarantee this attendance to the pupils of the public net of teach. The Convention on the Rights of the People with Deficiency, approved for the ONU in 2006 and of which Brazil is signatory, it establishes that the States must assure a system of inclusive education in all the education levels, in environments that maximize compatible the academic and social development with the goal of the full participation and inclusion, adopting measured to guarantee that: ) The people with deficiency are not excluded from the general educational system under allegation of deficiency and that the children with deficiency are not excluded from gratuitous and obligatory basic education, under allegation of deficiency; b) The people with deficiency can have access to inclusive basic education, of gratuitous quality and, in equality of conditions with the too much people in the community where they live (Art.24). In this exactly year, the Special Secretariat of the Human Rights, the Ministries of the Education and Justice, together with the Organization of United Nations for the Education, Science the Culture UNESCO, launches the National Plan of Education in Human Rights, that objective, amongst its actions, to contemplate, in the resume of the basic education, thematic relative to the people with deficiency and to develop affirmative actions that make possible access and permanence in the superior education. In 2007, PDE is launched the Plan of Development of the Education, reaffirmed for the Social Agenda, having as axles the formation of professors for the special education, the implantation of rooms of multi-functional resources, the accessibility architectural of the pertaining to school building, access and the permanence of the people with deficiency in the superior education and the monitoramento of