importante to emphasize that the purchase process does not lock in nahomologao of the licitation, but yes only after the act of receiving of the ouservio product. Porfim, we can affirm that the lesser price is not the villain of the compraspblicas, but yes the lack of planning and implantation of one polticaeficiente of purchases and acts of contract. It happens that bad they gestoresutilizam the argument of the lesser price to justify its acts
BOSELLI, Pablo. As to have success in the licitations. So Paulo: Edicta, 1998. 400p.
BOTTINO, Tullio Landmark; RIGOLIN, Ivan Barbosa. Practical manual of the Licitations. 3. ed. So Paulo: Hail, 1999. 458p. BRAZIL. Constitution (1988). Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil. Brasilia: Federal Senate, 1988. BRAZIL. Federal law n 8,666, of 21 of June of 1993. It makes use on general norms on licitations pertinent administrative econtratos the workmanships, services, also depublicidade, purchases, alienations and locations in the scope of them.
BOSELLI, Pablo. As to have success in the licitations. So Paulo: Edicta, 1998. 400p.
BOTTINO, Tullio Landmark; RIGOLIN, Ivan Barbosa. Practical manual of the Licitations. 3. ed. So Paulo: Hail, 1999. 458p. BRAZIL. Constitution (1988). Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil. Brasilia: Federal Senate, 1988. BRAZIL. Federal law n 8,666, of 21 of June of 1993. It makes use on general norms on licitations pertinent administrative econtratos the workmanships, services, also depublicidade, purchases, alienations and locations in the scope of them.