With the constant growth of the world-wide population, the urban areas had been being busy disorderedly and without it had a planning, leading in consideration the characteristics of the way. In result of this wild growth, problems as urban deteriorizao, social disorganization and lack of habitation had been entering in scene. To decide this impasse instruments in the National Politics of the Environment exist that restrigem the occupation of the ground urban without before the had feasibility study is made, being, over all, studied the consequncias that this will cause to the way. This because the urbanization provokes modifications and impacts to the environment, modifying its original form. is not alone. Biodiversity also costuma directly to be affected, in the measure where it has, most of the time, the suppression of the original vegetation with the intervention of the man. This, in turn, possesss an excellent paper in the nature, a time that prevents the erosion of the ground and protects the courses d? water, amongst other functions, without speaking in the climatic characteristics.
In this direction, the ambient licensing if shows as a sufficiently excellent alternative under the ambient point of view, a time that can be demanded by the ambient agency (endorsed for the legislation) as prerequisite for the exercise of the activity of parcelamento of the ground urban and its occupation. To this respect, the legislation withholds at the hands of the City the competcia of if elaborating plain urbansitcos, pronouncing itself concerning the use and occupation of the ground of its territory. The urbansticas rules of law, in turn, also are of municipal ability and aim at to assure to the land divisions the equipment and the minimum conditions of habitability and comfort, and, over all, to harmonize them with the managing plan of the City for the correct human development. Inobstante to this, the projects of land divisions had always subjected to the state sanitary approval, until the advent of Law N.
In this direction, the ambient licensing if shows as a sufficiently excellent alternative under the ambient point of view, a time that can be demanded by the ambient agency (endorsed for the legislation) as prerequisite for the exercise of the activity of parcelamento of the ground urban and its occupation. To this respect, the legislation withholds at the hands of the City the competcia of if elaborating plain urbansitcos, pronouncing itself concerning the use and occupation of the ground of its territory. The urbansticas rules of law, in turn, also are of municipal ability and aim at to assure to the land divisions the equipment and the minimum conditions of habitability and comfort, and, over all, to harmonize them with the managing plan of the City for the correct human development. Inobstante to this, the projects of land divisions had always subjected to the state sanitary approval, until the advent of Law N.