At this moment, the particularismoregional intended to emancipate itself of the central power. In the intricate disputes quese had occurred, is affirmed, in the Provinces, the great groups familiaresdetentores of to be able that they would integrate the regional oligarchies. With the National creation dGuarda, and the application of the additional act of 1834, had been created mecanismosoficiais that they had institutionalized the participation of the proprietors in the government damunicipalidade and of the Provinces 1 Having searched to analyze operodo imperial Brazilian, the structure politics who took the creation of the GuardNacional and as this phenomenon that arrived at our days as coronelismo secorporificou in Brazil, coronelismo, used term for Vitor Nunes in its celebrelivro Coronelismo, hoe and vote. In this direction the present work looks darconta of the relations of being able inside of the Empire, that go to guide the dessMilcia formation inside citizen armed and its maintenance of the system and its conseqentequeda with the end of the Empire. Although this institution has reflected nasrelaes of Brazil until the current days it is interesting to know that condition, or conditions had created that it. The interest to porconhecer these practical imperial is in the necessity that we have in adentrar nahistria of the Brazilian in its multiple attributions, Guarda Nacionalvem to be for many historians one of the first decisions in sentidonacional, still very restricted Empire to the French molds, therefore the law of creation of the almost transplantada Guardafoi for Brazil. The produohistoriogrfica that arrives at didactic books shows National Guarda comouma institution created for the Regency to contain the forces of the army, cabeaqui to analyze these tickets and to search in the historiogrficas productions others inside possibilidadesde analyses of the new historiogrficos standards, to adentrar in the life of the Imprioatravs of the texts that arrive until us and to look for to find answers asinquietaes that encircle this period.