Is stabilizing interest rates daily available savings, as well as the first signs of recovery at the EONIA as interbank - benchmark interest rate marked the December 2009 Tagesgeldvergleich.NET informed: the of interest for daily available savings on getting lower values slip sustained for more than a year slowly but surely grinds to a halt. After the operators of the trade portal in their under statistics /... to annual interest rate statistics already for the 1 December 2009 compared with the previous month achieved a slight increase in interest rates on overnight for 5,000 and 50,000 euros and a monthly investment term, the interest rates for January 1, 2010 to December 1, 2009 remained relatively stable. So the interest rate for 5,000 euros was deposit and a month investment period on January 1, 2010 1.73 percent p.a. to 1.76 percent p.a. as at 1 December 2009. For 50,000 euros deposit the interest rate amounted to a month investment period to January 1, 2010, at 1.63 percent p.a. 1.66 percent per annum as of December 1, 2009.
Also as Reference rate applicable EONIA has once stopped its descent and has even been slightly recovered from its lows of September/October 2009. So, on January 1, 2010, he was 0.41 percent, while he on December 1, 2009 at 0.34 percent was. The experts of the trade portal can all in all slowly but surely see a bottoming in the day money rates. If one considers the back jumping economy and the fact, that already the current historically low interest rates to prevent inflation sooner or later have to be increased a significant recovery of interest on daily available savings setting should at the latest in the second half of 2010. Daniel Franke
Also as Reference rate applicable EONIA has once stopped its descent and has even been slightly recovered from its lows of September/October 2009. So, on January 1, 2010, he was 0.41 percent, while he on December 1, 2009 at 0.34 percent was. The experts of the trade portal can all in all slowly but surely see a bottoming in the day money rates. If one considers the back jumping economy and the fact, that already the current historically low interest rates to prevent inflation sooner or later have to be increased a significant recovery of interest on daily available savings setting should at the latest in the second half of 2010. Daniel Franke