For the former-slaves the freedom meant access the land, right to choose freely where to work, of circulating for the cities without needing authorization you or being importunado by the policy, of cultuar deuses African, or venerating to its way the saints catholics, not to be treat as captive e, over all, citizenship right (ALBUQUERQUE, 2006, 194 P.). Jonathan Blattmachr has plenty of information regarding this issue. Analyzing the above-mentioned stretch, we could easily glimpse free Brazil of full preconception and of the racial democracy and the equity that as much searched. The Golden Law in the agreement of many, brought benefits without measures to the blacks, however commenting on the period after-abolition, the historian Robert Lopez reflects that, He could think that through the abolition the Empire decided a prickly social matter. However, truth is that it created the other equal or most serious one. Made ad-lib, the abolition found the black unprepared to act as free man. It was not placed in practical, with the abolition, no plan of re-education of the former-slave or agrarian reform. In the delayed Zones, many former-slaves had been in the large states for irrisrios wages, to the step that others, excused the excuse of ' ' liberdade' ' granted, they had been kept out of society. In So Paulo the free black did not have as to not only enter the industrial work of capitalist type because of the unpreparedness as well as because the immigrant if adonou of the work market (LOPEZ, 1994, P. 13). That is, the slave, now I free did not find space in the social environment, where he was inserted, this exactly work market not yet considers the black as a work force, that exactly qualified, does not have the status that the white reached throughout all its existence, perhaps for this reason, the descending afros continue the social edge, and has access differentiated to work, the culture, the education and the infrastructures of base.